Blue Chip : Boxing Day Bonanza

More than 9.2 million Australians are planning to shop this year’s Boxing Day sales, of which over 4 million will hit shopping centres. To help you score the best deals at this year’s sale, we’ve partnered with QIC to offer Thrifty Blue Chip members unique parking perks over the Holiday Period.

Enjoy quick and simple parking for this year’s Boxing Day sales with Blue Chip member parking bays available across a range of Australia’s biggest and best shopping centers. All you need is your Thrifty Blue Chip membership number and priority parking can be yours!

Participating QIC Centres

Get VIP (Very Important Parker) treatment this Boxing Day with dedicated Thrifty Blue Chip Member parking bays at the following Shopping centres from the 23rd until the 28th of December.


Become a member to access VIP parking this Boxing Day plus other perks and rewards all year

Parking Perks: Availability

Thrifty’s Blue Chip Bays will be available for member parking from the 23rd of December until the 28th of December. The membership bays will be located on the car park entry level and are available on a first-come-first-serve basis during car park operation hours. 

All-day free parking is available at Robina Town Centre and Watergardens. Free parking for up to three hours is available at Castle Towers, Westpoint, Grand Central and Eastland. Canberra Centre is $7 for up to three hours.

Please visit the centre's website for car park operating hours and full rate details.

Blue Chip Membership Bay Locations

Brought to you in partnership with QIC

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